Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello, Welcome, and a little Introduction...

Howdy Folks,
This is a new outlet for me, so first off, please bear through my mistakes. Welcome all to what I hope to be a site devoted to old time, bluegrass, and traditional American music of the South. There are quite a few things I hope to post and share with you fine folks out there. It will vary from out of print albums to 78's to field recordings and even recordings from my own personal collection. DISCLAIMER: If I at some point post anything that is (A) not out of print, (B) copyrighted and not to my knowledge, (C) against the wishes of family members related to the artist of which I have posted, or (D) just plain offensive in some shape or form, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I will be more than happy to remove anything on those grounds. My goal is to only share this wonderful music so dear to our hearts if it can be done in a respectful, appropriate, legal, and permissible manner. I will try to make sharing as simple as possible but there are always a few complicated things with these blogs. In order to download anything I've posted, YOU WILL NEED A RAR CONVERSION PROGRAM. I use WINRAR. It's very simple, and even better, it's FREE. Just google it, download the software and then you're just about ready to go. In any post, click the "Download Here" link and follow the instructions from there. Once the .RAR file as been saved to your computer (and of course you already have a RAR conversion program), just right click, and extract the files. Then you're all set for a toe-tappin', knee-slappin', no-nappin' good time. And finally, I hope everyone enjoys what I post and as always "KEEP ON A'PICKING!"

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